St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is located in the heart of downtown Westfield at 414 East Broad Street.
Driving Directions to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Westfield, NJ
St. Paul's is located at 414 East Broad Street in Westfield (between St. Paul Street and Euclid Avenue and across from Town Hall). The entrance to the church parking lot is on South Euclid Avenue. Area parking is free.
From the North
Driving South on the Garden State Parkway: Take Exit 135 off the Garden State Parkway. Stay right onto Central Avenue. Drive 2 1/4 miles to the intersection of South Avenue. Continue straight under the railroad overpass to the second light (Broad Street). Make a right onto Broad Street and continue 3 blocks. Make a right onto Euclid Avenue and proceed to the parking lot entrance.
From the South
Driving North on the Garden State Parkway: Take Exit 135 off the Garden State Parkway. Drive half way around circle back under Parkway onto Central Avenue following signs for Westfield. Drive 2 1/4 miles to the intersection of South Avenue. Continue straight under the railroad overpass to the second light (Broad Street). Make a right onto Broad Street and continue 3 blocks. Make a right onto Euclid Avenue and proceed to the parking lot entrance.
From the East
Driving West on Route 22: Exit Route 22 at Mountain Avenue, left side exit, cross over Rte. 22 in a U-turn fashion and make the first right onto Mountain Avenue. Make a left turn onto North Euclid Avenue, about 1 mile. Turn right onto Broad Street at the first traffic light or continue straight on Euclid Avenue to the parking lot entrance.
From the West
Driving East on Route 22: Exit Route 22 right onto Mountain Avenue. Make a left turn onto North Euclid Avenue, about 1 mile. Turn right onto Broad Street at the first traffic light or continue straight on Euclid Avenue to the parking lot entrance.